2022 IMRSA Recruiting Event
Call for New Members and Advisory Board for XR Standards Association
The International Mixed Reality Standards Association (IMRSA) is a grassroots XR standards organization started by early adopters of Enterprise Extended Reality (XR), which includes Businesses, Government and Academia. IMRSA is now opening its doors to New Members worldwide. Our New Membership drive will further facilitate a collaborative community that helps all companies implement XR faster, cost effectively, and with reduced risk.
All IMRSA Members get the following:
- Access to IMRSA standards
- Provide input to standards, including industry needs, use cases, and technical priorities
- Participate in online Member meetings
- Receive industry leading XR news and information
IMRSA’s mission is to establish and share technical Extended Reality standards and best practices. This includes Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR). IMRSA addresses the XR project life cycle, from development through distribution, within the context of Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation.
Cost to Join: $0
Benefits of IMRSA Membership
Reduced Operating Costs
- Cost Effective Development, Maintenance & Support
- Avoid Content Duplication and Application Silos
- Reusability and Modularization of Content
- Hardware & Software Interoperability
- Consistency for all Project Participants
- Standardized Format for Data Exchange
Reduced Risk
- Non-Proprietary
- Open Standards
- Avoid Hardware & Software Vendor Lock
IMRSA Advisory Board Members get all the above, plus the following:
- Directly contribute and guide the standards and direction of IMRSA
- Invitation to participate in monthly Advisory Board meetings
- Receive early access to draft IMRSA standards
- Share your inputs on complementary industry standards
- Give early input to standards, including industry-specific requirements, use cases, and technical priorities